My Projects
Netflix Clone
React.js, Next.js, NextAuth, Tailwind, MongoDB, Prisma, Zustand, Vercel
Netflix Clone is a web application that replicates the functionality and design of Netflix, allowing users to browse and stream movies and TV shows.
Plane Scape
React.js, Tailwind CSS, Material-UI, Express.js, Google Cloud Storage, Prisma, MongoDB Atlas, Google Cloud Console, React Router, Notistack, Jsonwebtoken, Vite
Plane Scape is A web app for searching, filtering, and booking flights effortlessly.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Handlebars, Bootstrap, Express.js, SQLite
LuxeLane is a web application that allows users to rent luxury cars.
Personal Finance Tracker
React.js, Vite, Tailwind, Mui, Iconify, Zustand, Chart.js, React Router, PdfMake
Personal Finance Tracker allows users to manage their expenses, visualize financial data, and generate reports.
Task Guard
React.js, Vite, Material-UI, Axios, React Router, Express.js, Jsonwebtoken, Cors, Dotenv, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Docker
This application is designed for managing tasks with varying user roles and permissions. It provides a structured approach to task management with role-based access control to ensure efficient task handling and user management.
Product Management
React.js, Material-UI , Web Push Notifications, Express.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Docker, Vite
This project is an e-commerce application with admin and user roles. Admin users can add, delete, and update products, while regular users can view the list of products and check the details of the products they like.
Automotive HMI Concept
React.js, Vite, SASS
This project is an HMI Concept UI for an EV infotainment system.
Real Time Chat
React.js, Vite, Tailwind, Express.js,
Realtime chat app made with ReactJS and
Contact Form
React.js, Vite, Tailwind, Express.js, Nodemailer, React Hook Form, Notistack, Express Validation
This application allows users to submit their contact information and messages to the administrator of the page.
Paint App
React.js, Vite, Tailwind
This simple Paint application allows users to draw and showcase their creativity.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
This project includes 9 different widgets designed to enhance user experience. Each widget serves a unique purpose and provides interactive functionalities.
Whack A Mole
React.js, Vite, Tailwind CSS
Whack A Mole is a fun arcade game that tests players' speed and reflexes. Players try to earn points by hitting the moles that pop up on the screen.
Weather App
React.js, Vite, Tailwind CSS, Notistack
This React-based weather application allows users to check the current weather conditions of any desired location. The app dynamically changes background color and images based on the weather: sunny days display a sunny background with clear skies, while rainy days show a cloudy background with rain clouds.
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